Well we traversed the MTA trains from Concord Station in to the Boston Common quite well if we do say so ourselves. Then we walked the Freedom Trail from the start at Boston Common to the USS Constitution. Lenny now knows why NanNancalled it the Damn Trail .... One pooped little puppy.
Here's what Lenny thought of it.
Got all the right trains to get back to our truck parked at the Concord Station. But had to wait for an hour to catch the commuter train. Worked out to our advantage though. Nate and Jillian and I went into the Walgreen's at the Concord Station to get something to drink and a lady gave us a box of ice cream sandwiches because they were buy one, get one free. Woo hoo. Made Nate's day (and everyone else's except we wouldn't admit it.
Started to break down camp so that we can get an early start for home so this ends this travel blog through the New England states (unless something happens tomorrow that's blog worthy).