Tuesday, we flew from Melbourne to Darwin, 4.5 hours north. Darwin is the capital of the Northern Territory and is a small city on the northern coastline. After having shopping and some lunch at an outdoor cafe, we got on our way to Kakadu National Park and our next 3 nights accommodation at Aurora Kakadu.
To describe the landscape, it's flat with scrubby trees and that goes on for a lot of kilometers! We did see a lot of wallabies and a few emu (bush chook) but not too much changed as we drove kilometer after kilometer.
Aurora Kakadu is in the middle of nowhere but the rooms are nice sized and clean and there is a swimming pool. After dinner at the only restaurant within 50 kilometers and a nights rest, we decided to go to the Nourlangie Region of the park to hike and view Aboriginal rock art sites.
Next, we drove to Anbangbang (Arn-barng-barng) billabong (pond or lake) for a walk to see if we could see any crocodiles ... None spotted yet.
Even with all that we've done so far, it was only 11:30 so we headed to Jim Jim Falls Gorge Region. There is no way to accurrately describe this trek but I'll give it a whirl. After turning off the bitumin (macadam), we drove for 50 km on a red dirt road that wasn't the smoothest. Then we still had 10 km to go where we had to engage 4-wheel drive to access it. Some places had 6 inches of sand, some had cobblestones so rough, I was worried about our tires. But we made it back to the parking area of Jim Jim Falls and believe it or not, there were other cars there. We had passed some on our way in that were leaving and since it was only a single lane, we had to pull over to let them pass.
So, here we are, 60 Kms from nowhere but we still can't see the falls. We have to hike back in 900 meters over boulders but the view was worth it. We took a little time to sit on the rocks and put our feet into the water, ahhhh, that felt good.
Back in the car again, we still had to drive 10 km in the sand and rocks and then another 50 Kms of corrugated dirt road. But, we did get out alive and unscathed but pretty hungry with only a couple granola bars and a few bags of peanuts and 1 apple for the four of us. This is our new diet plan.