Monday, April 23, 2018

April 23 - Exploring Coos Bay and hiking the beach

Decided to explore Coos Bay, a larger city about 30 miles north. The Visitor Center volunteer told us about a Horsfall beach that dogs could be off-leash. So away we went to see what Lenny and Reuben would do. Lenny had a blast. Ran around, dug holes in the sand and chased rocks. Even Reuben enjoyed walking and sniffing trying to find crabs to eat!

It was a beautiful, sunny and warm  day. Perfect weather. We walked, sniffed and played for at least 2.5 hours. 

Then decided it was time for a brew at 7 Devils Brewery. 

A drive down the cost was gorgeous blue waters and sea lions!  Noisy little buggers. We couldn’t get close to them because it was pupping season. There were hundreds on the little beach. 

A small lighthouse could be seen in the distance. 

Back to the campground for a snack. Took a walk around and saw the cutest tiny house. We’ve noticed as we travel across the US that there are a number of people who live in campgrounds, mostly in campers but some have tiny houses. 

Since it was such a clear night we decided to go to Face Rock parking lot to watch the sun set. Another pretty one. 

Bill thinks that should be enough sunsets for now. We’ll see!

Night all n

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